Man Gallery projects:
1993. -“Man Gallery - Cavellini's Mail Art”, photo performance (Photo studio “Pagi Foto”, Odzaci, Ex-Yugoslavia). -“Man Gallery - Xerox Art”, performance („Happy Gallery“, Students Cultural Centre, Belgrade, Ex-Yugoslavia). -“Man Gallery – Exhibition by plane”, performance (Museum of Modern Art, Belgrade, Ex-Yugoslavia). -“Man Gallery - Art Stickers”, street performance (Belgrade, Ex-Yugoslavia). 1994. -“Man Gallery – Rubber Stamps”, performance (“Golden Eye” Gallery, Novi Sad, Ex-Yugoslavia). -“Man Gallery – Art Borders”, performance (Town museum, Senta, Ex-Yugoslavia). -“Man Gallery – Reading of mail-art books”, performance (Museum of Modern Art, Belgrade, Ex-Yugoslavia). -“Man Gallery – Art masks”, performance (St. Philbert du Pont Charrault, France). -“Man Gallery – Art T-Shirts”, street art actions (Paris, Nant, Chantonnay, St. Philbert du Pont Charrault, France). -“Man Gallery - exhibition of painter Nato and Ylvie”, performance (art studio of painter Nato, Paris, France). -“Man Gallery - exhibition of painter Nato”, performance (art studio of painter Nato, Paris, France). -“Man Gallery – exhibition of John Held Jr.”, performance (“Happy Gallery”, Students Cultural Centre, Belgrade, Ex-Yugoslavia). 1995. -“Man Gallery – exhibition of Emilio Morandi”, performance (“Perfomedia” festival, Artestudio, Ponte Nossa, Italy) -“Man Gallery – exhibition of Bruno Capatti”, performance (“Perfomedia” festival, Artestudio, Ponte Nossa, Italy) -“Man Gallery - exhibition of group A.U.-Japan”, performance (“Perfomedia” festival, Gallery Chiesa Lab.D'Arte San Pietro, Bienno, Italy) -“Man Gallery – exhibition of Alberto Rizzi”, performance (“Perfomedia” festival, Museo Maglio, Bienno, Italy) -“Man Gallery – exhibition of Mayumi Handa”, performance (“Perfomedia” festival, Gallery Chiesa Lab.D'Arte San Pietro, Bienno, Italy) -“Man Gallery - exhibition Alessandro Ceccotto”, performance (“Perfomedia” festival, Gallery Chiesa Lab.D'Arte San Pietro, Bienno, Italy) -“Man Gallery - exhibition Massimo Pattaro and Anamaria Girardi”, performance (“Perfomedia” festival, Gallery Chiesa Lab.D' Arte San Pietro, Bienno, Italy) -“Man Gallery - exhibition of audience”, street performance (“Perfomedia” festival, Bienno - Brescia, Italy) -“Man Gallery – exhibition of Paolo Barrile”, performance (“Perfomedia” festival, Artestudio, Ponte Nossa, Italy) -“Man Gallery – exhibition of Renata and Giovanni Strada”, performance (Lido Di Dante - Ravenna, Italy) -“Man Gallery - exhibition of Giovanni Strada”, performance (art studio of G. Strada, Ravenna, Italy) -“Man Gallery - exhibition of I Santini Del Prete”, performance (Vada - Livorno, Italy) -“Man Gallery - exhibition of Franco Santini”, performance (Vada - Livorno, Italy) -“Man Gallery - exhibition of Raimondo Del Prete”, performance (Vada - Livorno, Italy) -“Man Gallery - exhibition of audience”, performance (Vada - Livorno, Italy) -“Man Gallery - exhibition of Ivano Vitali”, performance (Vada - Livorno, Italy) -“Man Gallery - exhibition of Enrico Mori”, performance (Vada - Livorno, Italy) -“Man Gallery - exhibition of Stano Filko”, performance with Stano Filko, Slovakia (Golden Eye Gallery, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia). 1996. -“Man Gallery - exhibition of audience“, performance (Staatliches Museum Schwerin, Schwerin, Germany) -“Man Gallery – exhibition of Rubber Stamps“, performance (Staatliches Museum Schwerin, Schwerin, Germany) -“Man Gallery - Body artists exhibition“, performance in cooperation with 10 artists (Schwerin, Germany) -“Man Gallery - exhibition of Jurgen O. Olbrich“, performance (Academy of Art, Kassel, Germany) -“Man Gallery - exhibition of students of Academy“, performance (Academy of Art, Kassel, Germany) -“Man Gallery - communication by touch“, performance (Transart Communication 4, Nove Zamky, Slovakia) -“Man Gallery - exhibition of artists head“, performance (Transart Communication 4, Nove Zamky, Slovakia) 1997. -“Man Gallery – communication by colours“, performance (NIPAF '97 festival, Tokyo, Japan) -“Man Gallery - exhibition of Shozo Shimamoto“, performance with Shozo Shimamoto (Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan) -“Man Gallery – communication by kiss“, performance (NIPAF '97 festival, Hiroshima, Japan) -“Man Gallery - Colored rain of Hiroshima“, performance with Fernando Aguiar (NIPAF '97 festival, Hiroshima, Japan) -“Man Gallery - Horizon(s)“, performance with Julien Blaine (NIPAF '97 festival, Hiroshima, Japan) -“Man Gallery – communication by punch“, performance (NIPAF '97 festival, Nagano, Japan) -“Man Gallery - exhibition of Takahashi Fumiko“, performance with Fumiko Takahashi (NIPAF '97 festival, Nagano, Japan) -“Man Gallery – communication by milk“, performance by Eniko Szucs (NIPAF '97 festival, Nagano, Japan) -“Man Gallery - poetical installation“, performance with Fernando Aguiar (NIPAF '97 festival, Nagano, Japan) 1998. -“Man Gallery - exhibition of nature”, performance (Ann Art 9 festival, St. Ann Lake, Romania) -“Man Gallery - exhibition of portraits”, performance (IMAF '98 festival, MAS Gallery, Odzaci, Yugoslavia) 1999. -“Man Gallery – communication by bomb”, performance (Castle of Imagination festival, Bytow, Poland) 2000. -“Man Gallery - interrelation”, performance (IMAF 2000 festival, MAS Gallery, Odzaci, Yugoslavia) 2001. -“Upgrade plan of Man Gallery ” performance (Multimedia Arts Gallery, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia) -“Man Gallery - Smoke The Best” performance (Artfort festival, Komarom, Hungary) -“Upgrade of Man Gallery”, performance (Navinki 2001 festival, Pall Mall Club, Minsk, Belarus), -“Man Gallery – communication by blood”, performance (Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia) -“Man Gallery - transmiting”, performance with Shiobara Jasunori from Japan and Jeanet. Poett from Hungary (IMAF 2001 festival, MAS Gallery, Odzaci, Yugoslavia) -“Man Gallery – communication by drink”, performance (IMAF 2001 festival, MAS Gallery, Odzaci, Yugoslavia) 2003. -"Man Gallery - place of fear", performance (La Bienalle di Venezia, Venezia, Italy) -"Man Gallery - place of fear II", performance (La Bienalle di Venezia, Venezia, Italy) -"Man Gallery - place of fear III", performance (IMAF 2003 festival, MAS Gallery, Odzaci, Serbia) -"Man Gallery - place of fear IV", performance (PerformaNS festival, "Golden Eye" Gallery, Novi Sad, Serbia) 2004. -"Man Gallery - Serbia", performance (IZBA, Novi Sad, Serbia) -"Man Gallery - Ex Yu", performance (The Suicide of Objects, Catalyst Arts Gallery, Belfast, Northern Ireland) -"Man Gallery - Serbia II", performance (Art College of Dartington, Dartington, United Kingdom) -”Man Gallery - I'm a Good Jugo", performance series Zentral-Jugo, in cooperation with Köppl/Začek (Bei Tweaklab, Bazel, Switzerland) -"Man Gallery - Finding Passport II", performance series Zentral-Jugo, in cooperation with Köppl/Začek (Centre PasquArt, Biel, Switzerland) -"Man Gallery - Zentral-Jugo diary", performance series Zentral-Jugo, in cooperation with Köppl/Začek (Hubert Bachler Gallery, Cirih, Switzerland) 2005. -"Man Gallery - Communication by Colour II", performance (Kesher 2 festival, FusionArts Museum, New York, USA) 2007. -"Man Gallery - interrelation II", performance (SULUV Gallery, Novi Sad, Serbia) -"Man Gallery - Interrelation III", performance (Interakcje 2007, Galeria Off, Piotrkow Trybunalski, Poland) -"Man Gallery – exhibition of Radoslav B. Chugaly", performance (IMAF 2007. festival, MAS Gallery, Odzaci, Serbia)
'Man Gallery - Cavellini's Mail Art', Odzaci (Ex-Yugoslavia) 1993
'Man Gallery - Xerox Art', Belgrade (Ex-Yugoslavia) 1993
'Man Gallery – Exhibition by plane', Belgrade (Ex-Yugoslavia) 1993
'Man Gallery - Art Stickers', Belgrade (Ex-Yugoslavia) 1993
"Man Gallery – Rubber Stamps", Novi Sad (Ex-Yugoslavia) 1994
'Man Gallery – Reading of mail-art books', Belgrade (Ex-Yugoslavia) 1994
"Man Gallery – Art masks", France 1994
'Man Gallery – Art T-Shirts', France 1994
'Man Gallery - performance with painter Nato and Ylvie', Paris (France) 1994
'Man Gallery – performance with John Held Jr.', Belgrade (Ex-Yugoslavia) 1994
'Man Gallery – performance with I Santini Del Prete', Vada - Livorno (Italy) 1995
'Man Gallery - performance with Massimo Pattaro and Anamaria Girardi', Bienno (Italy) 1995
'Man Gallery – performance with Paolo Barrile', Ponte Nossa (Italy) 1995
'Man Gallery – performance with Mayumi Handa', Bienno (Italy) 1995
'Man Gallery - exhibition of audience', Vada - Livorno (Italy) 1995
'Man Gallery - exhibition of audience', Schwerin (Germany) 1996
'Man Gallery-Communication by colours', Tokyo (Japan) 1997
'Man Gallery - Horizon(s)', performance with Julien Blaine, Hiroshima (Japan) 1997
'Man Gallery - Communication by kiss', Hiroshima (Japan) 1997
'Man Gallery - poetical installation', performance with Fernando Aguiar, Nagano (Japan) 1997
'Man Gallery-Communication by bomb', Bytow (Poland) 1999
'Man Gallery - Interrelation', Odzaci (Yugoslavia) 2000
'Upgrade plan of Man Gallery', Novi Sad (Yugoslavia) 2001
'Man Gallery Communication with blood', Novi Sad (Yugoslavia) 2001
'Man Gallery - place of fear', Venice (Italy) 2003
'Man Gallery - place of fear II', Venice (Italy) 2003
'Man Gallery - place of fear IV', Novi Sad (Serbia) 2003
'Man Gallery - Ex Yu', Belfast (Northern Ireland) 2004
'Man Gallery - Serbia II', Dartington (United Kingdom) 2004
'Man Gallery-Communication by colours II', New York (USA) 2005
"Man Gallery - Interrelation III", Piotrkow Trybunalski (Poland) 2007
“Man Gallery - communication by touch“, Nove Zamky (Slovakia) 1996
"Man Gallery - place of fear IV", Novi Sad (Serbia) 2003
"Man Gallery - Serbia II", Dartington (United Kingdom) 2004